Danica even made a new friend
On the 25th Mommy, Daddy, Dani, and Grandpa went to visit Joel, MaryAnn, and Ellie. While we were there we went to another pumpkin patch so again Mommy took too many pictures. There were "punkin" pictures and family pictures and Dani pictures galore :)
And Dani had to prove she's the coolest kid around in Grandpa's hat and shades.
I've uploaded all the pictures from both days to Walgreens albums, you may have to set up a walgreens account to see them but here are the links...
Day 2 (with Ellie) http://photo2.walgreens.com/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=4239383006/a=34983286_34983286/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=walgreens/
Hopefully those links work :) Bye everybody!