Thursday, August 15, 2013

Grammie's Beach Vacation Part 1

Every year Grammie gets a week at the beach.  We checked in the night before but didn't take any pictures.  But I took plenty on Sunday.  This year we got to have Josh and Delaney with us too!  Josh was just great about building sand castles with Dani.

Playing in the waves with Grammie.

 Then play in the sand some more, watch the trick kites fly, build more sand castles.

And when she managed to build her own, she was so happy!  That's why I love the middle picture in the next collage.

That's all for that day...More to come. :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Meeting Zena


Dad had been wanting to get another Shepherd, and while he was out one day he met a very nice lady with severe arthritis who was looking for a good home for hers.  Dad and the dog got along great, but the deciding factor was how would the dog do with Dani...
So the 3 of us went to find out and Dani and Zena became instant friends.

Zena's best dog buddy was a pug, whose name I can't remember.

It wasn't long before Dani was down in Zena's face.  How did Zena react?  With big slobbery doggy kisses of course!

That's the end of this post, but the beginning of a great friendship!
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Labor Day Weekend 2011

We went to Grandma Zonnie's and spent the night. I didn't take very many pictures, most of them are of Dani and Parker playing hide and seek.

And I don't know why she looks so sad sitting on the ground, but she does and I love it.

Parker took a nap with Lacey, then she decided to keep Tim company, anything to stay on the couch.

I'm sure the reason I didn't take any other pictures was because we spent a lot of time in the pool.
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