Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Day


We went to Grandma Zonnie's for Thanksgiving Day and Grandpa came too! Danica practiced writing her name (It's amazing to look back and see how far her handwriting has come!).

Of course there was food!  And playing with hats...

 Then out to the swing set for Dani to show her daredevil side.

 Snuggles and Smoochiedoos!!!!!!!

Then I decided to play with my camera while Daddy jumped on the trampoline and sent the poor dinosaurs flying!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pasture Bash!


Some of my favorite pictures from Father Time's Pasture Bash!  I just love the ones of John and Dani by the fire.  Unfortunately, I still didn't really know what I was doing in low light without flash and ended up with mostly blurry pictures.

Corn hole!

Yes, that is a (delicious) fried turkey in the bottom left corner.

Dani didn't care for the fireworks, she thought they were too loud.

Early Thanksgiving


Since we knew we wouldn't all be able to get together on Thanksgiving Day we got the family together a little early.  Josh and Juanita and their boys came, as well as Aunt Kathie, Brandy and Alicia, and Smiley and Judy.

I love this old man.  His stories, his hands, his eyes... He might not be blood but he's family.

Girls weekend!

11-5-11 & 11-6-11

We got to have a girls weekend with Aunt MaryAnn, Ellie, and Anna!  I didn't take very many pictures, but here are some of the ones I did take.  We went to a local park and played and looked for manatees nearby but didn't see any.

I just love that shot of Ellie!  I only wish her eyes had been open.

Halloween Part 2


Dr. Ross Jetsum was at our church!  He was so much fun!  Lots of singing and praise and the kids were super involved which always makes me happy.

Then we went to Kat and Tony's and took some pics with Scamper.


We went downtown for trunk or treat.  Unfortunately I was still very new to my photography class but wanted to shoot without flash.  I ended up with a lot of blurry images but some good ones too!

Danica picked her costume because she said witches who wear purple are good.