Thursday, November 25, 2010

Another play date

We had another play date at the park by the Astor Library. It started with just Dani and Tristin and lots of fun, then Parker came to play too.
Tristin kept going down the static-creating slide then trying to shock his Mom. You can see the static in her hair!
They are growing so fast! And constantly having to prove how big they are!
There's a big field behind the park and a big dirt pile too. In front is a tennis court that's a great place for them all to run.
Dani found some flowers and I got her to pose for some more pictures.
Then she gave them to Kiley
After Tristin left Dani and Parker had to show how well they balance. (And Dani had to show "I love you")
I just love this little face!
And check out those pigtails bouncing!
And that's the end of yet another play date.

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