Sunday, January 20, 2013

Easter Sunday 2011


While we felt some urging to go to our new church, instead we just spent time with family.  First we went to Grammie's where Dani got all kinds of cool stuff including a tiara which she made Daddy wear.

Then we went to Grandma Zonnie's where Dani and Parker decorated some eggs.

Dani's didn't stay decorated for long!

Then they got their Easter baskets (I mean bags).

Next was another egg hunt!

I'm very happy to say that our 2012 Easter was much different.  Mommy always knew what it was really all about, but in 2012 it really hit home that this is the day that is the basis for our family's entire belief system and should be celebrated just as much as Christmas.  So while there are still baskets and eggs there's a lot more Scripture, praise, and thanks.
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