Monday, July 15, 2013

Annual Bow Shoot 2011


Every year our friends Kevin and Jamy have a bow shoot.  This was our first year to attend.  There were all kinds of things for the kids to do including 2 wet bounce house/slides, sling shots, kid's bows, etc. 

Waiting for food.

Kevin preaching.

Jamy helping with microphone duty (if you look really close you can see the little bump that turned out to be Brody!)

Pastor Buddy preaching and random kid shots.

The other reason every body was there (besides the food and sermon) shoot!  Someone brought a cool little doodad (technical term) that measures how fast your arrow travels, so you know all the boys had to play with the new toy :)

Yep, pregnant girls can still push cars/trucks when they get stuck!

My favorites of the day.

And after the shoot is officially over we get to go play some.

I just thought this log looked cool.

The end.
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